Most people do not consider their cholesterol levels. And the truth is, you don’t need to think about it, unless it’s high. The liver produces a waxy substance called cholesterol. It can also be found in eggs, steak, butter, and cream, among other foods.
Sadly, high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and heart attacks, but this dangerous condition typically does not present with any obvious symptoms. A blood test is the only way to determine whether your cholesterol level is high.
To assist you and guide you in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, Danvers Family Doctors offers cholesterol testing as well as lifestyle recommendations.
What to Take into Account When Talking About Cholesterol
A certain amount of cholesterol is necessary for your body to function. But if you have too much cholesterol, it builds up in your arteries and makes them hard and makes it hard for blood to flow through them. Your risk of heart disease and heart attack is greatly increased by cholesterol buildup and artery hardening.
At least once every five years, adults over the age of 20 should have their cholesterol levels checked. A cholesterol level test, also known as a lipoprotein panel, gives you information about multiple cholesterol levels. Among these are your:
Total Cholesterol
Your total low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is represented by this number. The ideal value for this is less than 200 mg/dL; anything higher than 240 mg/dL is thought to be high cholesterol.
LDL Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol is also known as LDL. The substance that can increase your risk of health problems is this kind of cholesterol, which builds up in your arteries. This should be less than 100 mg/dL at best, and anything higher than 160 mg/dL is considered high.
HDL Cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is the beneficial type. This cholesterol eliminates the LDL and prevents its accumulation. This number ought to be high—more than 40 mg/dL.
How Changing Every Day Activities Can Help Regulate Your Cholesterol Levels
The good news about having high cholesterol is that most of the time, making changes to a healthy lifestyle can lower and control your cholesterol levels. There are three strategies for lowering cholesterol:
Watching Your Diet
Your health and weight are influenced by what you eat. Saturated fat-rich foods and cholesterol-rich foods raise cholesterol levels. Reduce your cholesterol and weight by avoiding foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol, like full-fat dairy, packaged baked goods, and fried foods. Additionally, being overweight can raise cholesterol levels.
Quitting Smoking
Your HDL, or good cholesterol, level decreases when you smoke. A higher level of LDL can result from a lower HDL level.
Exercising Regularly
Engaging in physical activity raises HDL and lowers LDL levels. Additionally, it aids in weight loss and maintenance.
Are you in need of a cholesterol test? For an appointment, contact Danvers Family Doctors, P.C. in Danvers, Massachusetts.