You might look forward to the routine of school schedules like some parents do, or you might be one of those parents who dreads the end of summer. Notwithstanding which side you’re on, you know that it’s vital to keep your kid solid all through the school year, or however much of it as could be expected. At Danvers Family Doctors, P.C., our doctors give you tips on how to keep your children safe and healthy this fall and throughout the school year. Here are a few of their suggestions.
Make eating breakfast a habit
Numerous studies have shown that, in addition to reducing your child’s hunger pains at school, eating a healthy breakfast that is loaded with low-fat protein and complex carbohydrates can also improve their academic performance and behavior.
Get physical
As indicated by Places for Infectious prevention and Counteraction, youngsters need around an hour of active work every day. Sadly, only a third of children in the United States engage in daily physical activity.
Subsequently, it’s not unexpected to discover that youth corpulence has risen above the most recent forty years. Overweight or obese, a third of children and adolescents are. Every day, making time for a child to be physically active can help them avoid a variety of health problems and reduce their risk of becoming overweight.
In the morning or after dinner, consider biking or walking to school. Afternoon activities include tag or hoops. Go swimming or dancing with your kids. Include sports and exercise in your family’s daily routine.
Provide a healthy lunch
Ensure that your children receive the nutrients they require to sustain them throughout the day by providing them with a nutritious lunch. A nutritious lunch gives your child the energy and focus they need to get through the day, whether you pack it for them or make arrangements for them to eat it at school. Additionally, it lowers their risk of obesity.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein should all be included in a healthy lunch. Products that are high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fat should be avoided.
Put away electronic devices
Children spend more than seven hours a day in front of screens, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. Consider all of the other important activities they could be engaging in.
Limit how long your children can use their devices to encourage them to put them down. Maximum of two hours per day is recommended by the NIH. Set a good example by turning off the television at dinner. Children will imitate you if they constantly see you using your phone.
Don’t load up backpacks
Buy your child a backpack that fits their frame and offers plenty of support instead of overpacking it. Models with wide, cushioned shoulder straps are your best bet. Take a look at a backpack with wheels. That backpack can start to weigh your child down with computers, lunch, snacks, books, and other essential and non-essential school supplies.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), your child’s backpack should not weigh more than 10% to 20% of their body weight.
Get sufficient rest
It’s vital for your youngster to get a satisfactory measure of rest consistently to find success at school. Concentration is difficult for children who don’t get enough sleep. The AAP says that children who don’t get enough sleep have lower grades and more tardiness and absenteeism.
Teens should get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night, while elementary school-aged children should get between 10 and 12 hours.
Call Danvers Family Doctors, P.C. or schedule an appointment online to learn more about how to keep your kids healthy throughout the school year.