Meet Our Medical Assistants

Our Team of MAs room patients and perform vital testing, while behind the scenes handling referrals and managing patient programs. Amy, a 22-year veteran on the team vital to its continuation, works as both an MA and as our Referral Coordinator. She lives in Hamilton with her husband, 2 children, and loveable dog Oliver (our office therapy dog). She enjoys her summers at her Maine campground. Carla has been a part of the DFD family for over a year now and in addition to her role as MA works to schedule patient’s mammograms and colonoscopies. A native of Brazil she is a fluent Portuguese speaker and with her caring spirit is always willing to translate for our patient’s needs. She resides in Peabody with her son and is a self-described cardio junkie. Anabela joined the DFD team in November 2022 as an MA and has since taken over coordinating our RPM patient program and acts as our Assistant Office Manager and Medical Records coordinator. Also a fluent Portuguese speaker, she lives in Amesbury with her 3 children and husband and enjoys going to the beach when she is not working hard in her many roles at the practice. Our newest MA, Foster, is a senior at the College of the Holy Cross with plans to graduate next spring with a bachelor’s in Biology & Sociology. An aspiring DNP he has recently begun working in this position after serving at the front desk for the past year. A resident of Peabody, when he is not organizing all aspects of the office he enjoys crocheting.