Cholesterol is the one substance in our bodies that we always talk about. Although we are made up of many different substances and symptoms, cholesterol receives the most attention from doctors, patients, and society as a whole. Why would that be this? There are a couple of significant reasons. First of all, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and high cholesterol is the leading risk factor for heart disease, followed closely by smoking and hypertension. It’s something generally in our cognizance and is essential for the advertising of virtually every food you can purchase at the grocery store. We have good reason to be obsessed with cholesterol. In order to best take care of yourself, it’s important to know the facts about cholesterol. Ten things you should know about cholesterol are listed below.
You need cholesterol
Cholesterol is necessary for life, despite the misconception that you should completely avoid it. It’s just when you have a lot of it that it turns into a threat to your wellbeing. Consider that cholesterol comes in a variety of forms. High levels of HDL cholesterol, also known as “good cholesterol,” are desirable. Low levels of LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol,” are essential. However, cholesterol is necessary for our cells, so do not completely avoid it.
High cholesterol is very common
High cholesterol is thought to affect about one third of adults in the United States. People over the age of 20 should have their cholesterol checked at least once every five years, but your doctor may do it at your annual physical. It is highly recommended that you have your cholesterol checked if you have not done so in the past five years.
Your cholesterol is tied to your genes
Diet and exercise play a significant role in cholesterol management because cholesterol is inherited. There can be no debate. The bad news is, however, that genetics play a significant role in high cholesterol. Because of their family history, many people with high cholesterol need to work harder to lower it.
High cholesterol can happen at any age
High cholesterol isn’t just a problem for older people or people who weigh more. It can happen to anyone. It’s possible that you have high cholesterol and rail thin. Indeed, even youngsters can have elevated cholesterol. In fact, as childhood obesity reaches crisis levels, this problem is getting worse. If there is a genetic predisposition to it, high cholesterol can be present from birth even in babies.
High cholesterol can be reduced with exercise
Exercise is a great way to control your cholesterol levels, particularly HDL. Cholesterol with HDL. which actually aids in the prevention of heart disease and can be raised through increased exercise. HDL levels can rise by double digits in just a few weeks by engaging in high-intensity training several times per week. Everybody’s bodies will fluctuate, obviously.
Supplements can help high cholesterol
Taking plant sterols and stenols on a daily basis in conjunction with a healthy diet has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol, which is associated with high cholesterol. However, there is a significant restriction: Prescription drugs work more quickly. Additionally, diet and exercise are significantly more beneficial. Having said that, don’t rely on supplements because while they can help, the process takes time.
More people than ever are on cholesterol medication
Cholesterol medications are now being prescribed to a greater number of people than ever before. In the past, only people with a risk of heart attack greater than 20% were prescribed cholesterol medications. The new edge is 7.5 percent, and that implies undeniably more individuals ought to be taking these prescriptions since they are high gamble.
High cholesterol is sometimes visible
Although not very common, cholesterol deposits can be seen in some people who have high cholesterol. Yellowish fatty deposits can be seen in various body parts, particularly the eye, indicating this condition.
Many people are on the borderline
The average total cholesterol for adults in the United States is just shy of what is considered borderline high cholesterol for many people. This is troubling and only serves to emphasize the importance of regular medical examinations.
Having too much of anything is bad for you, and cholesterol is no exception. There is an explanation that your PCP puts such a lot of accentuation on checking your cholesterol levels. During their annual physical, the majority of people have their cholesterol levels measured once. If your doctor has already determined that you have high cholesterol and are at high risk for heart disease, he or she may suggest increasing the frequency of your cholesterol checks or even prescribing medication to lower it. It is absolutely necessary to have your cholesterol checked if you have not done so recently. As you get older, this only gets worse. To have your cholesterol levels checked, contact us right away and schedule an appointment online. Danvers Family Doctors is committed to giving you the care you need to live a healthy life.