Over the past few decades, our perspectives on diabetes have evolved. You probably have a different relationship with this chronic illness depending on your age. The majority of people in their 50s and 60s grew up thinking that diabetes is something that can happen in late middle age if you eat too much sugar and don’t exercise. Although it wasn’t very common, a sufficient number of older people would acquire it. If you are in your 20s or 30s at the moment, you think about diabetes as something that the person next to you could easily have, and you wonder if you are at risk right now.
The rising number of diabetes diagnoses in the United States is well-known to younger generations. It seems as though it could happen at any time. Nevertheless, if you take care of yourself, your risk is still low. However, it is no longer a disease that primarily affects the elderly. The majority of people know someone who has the condition and is currently living with it. It’s vital to comprehend, however, that while diabetes brings a lot more dangers, it very well may be overseen and you can carry on with a somewhat sound life in the event that you adhere to your physician’s instructions.
How common is diabetes? Over the past 60 years, the rate of diagnosis has increased dramatically. Only 1.6 million people in the United States had diabetes in 1958. That is less than one percent of the total population at the time. That number had increased to 23.4 million by 2015, or more than 7% of the population. The rate of diagnosis is expected to rise over the coming decades, according to estimates. The most alarming fact is that Type 2 diabetes is affecting more children under 18 than ever before.
Different Types of Diabetes
It is essential to keep in mind that there are numerous forms of diabetes. Typically, they are categorized as Type I or Type 2, with Type 2 becoming increasingly prevalent due to its adult onset. We will also talk about gestational diabetes.
Most of the time, type 1 diabetes is inherited or discovered in childhood. It can be caught in young adulthood in some cases. Because the body doesn’t produce enough insulin in Type 1 diabetes, you have to take insulin injections every day and keep an eye on your blood sugar. An insulin pump may also be suggested by your doctor.
Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes, which affects millions of people who are at risk of developing it. The body loses the ability to properly regulate blood sugar levels as a result of the pancreas’ inability to process sugars. Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a poor diet are all significant risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes during pregnancy is actually a rare condition. While pregnant, some women develop diabetes. It is thought to be connected to the change in hormones that takes place. Gestational diabetes must be managed to avoid problems during pregnancy, but it usually goes away on its own after the baby is born. Having gestational diabetes, on the other hand, increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Diabetes symptoms are difficult to identify because early on, you may not experience any symptoms at all. You won’t notice anything wrong until years have passed and damage has begun to build up. Frequent urination, increased thirst, fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, tingling in the extremities, and wounds that take a long time to heal are all signs to look out for. Typically, symptoms are a sign that the blood sugar is not being managed properly. When blood sugar levels are under control, symptoms can go away, so once treatment starts, you won’t always feel them unless you eat something wrong or don’t take your diabetes medication.
Diabetes can pose serious health risks if left untreated. One of the leading causes of blindness is diabetes. Additionally, it is a major cause of foot amputation. Diabetes causes moderate nerve harm, which is the reason the eyes and the furthest points can be impacted so harshly. Additionally, diabetes increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, such as stroke and heart attacks. Another serious danger is renal failure.
It can be managed
All of this sounds very scary, but diabetes must be taken seriously. Be that as it may, with your primary care physician’s assistance, you can deal with your diabetes and carry on with a somewhat ordinary life long into the future. Everything is in your hands. Although insulin injections aren’t necessary for everyone, adhering to them will be essential to managing your condition.
Most importantly, changing your lifestyle—daily exercise, healthy eating, and living your best life—can help you avoid diabetes-related complications.
Though being diagnosed with diabetes can be frightening and disheartening, you can control your condition. Today, make an appointment with us online. Danvers Family Doctors is committed to giving you the care you need to continue living a healthy and happy life.